Simple Exemptify / Shopify Buy Button integration example

How it works:

  1. Your customer enters their VAT Id. If the the Id is valid, it is temporarily stored in the browser session.
  2. The customer continues shopping and browsing your site.
  3. Upon checkout the stored VAT Id is passed on to Shopify and the customer is marked as tax-exempt before payment.
  4. Once an order has been placed, the customer's VAT Id is automatically added to the order as a note.

How to set it up:

  1. Install Exemptify from the Shopify App Store.
  2. Copy the generated code to your project to create the VAT Validation field.
  3. Modify the Shopify-generated buy button code (it's really simple).
You can put this validation field on any page within the same domain of your buy button implementation.
It doesn't need to be on the product page.

EU Vat Id

(VAT will be deducted at payment step)